Technologies to learn HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, GIT, JavaScript, React, NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB
What Will I Learn?
- Introduction to the web and how the internet works.
Software Installations and HTML 5 Basics
- How to use HTML 5 to create interface of a software application, Introduction to CSS3, using CSS3
to style Software Interface.
- Learning the basics of Linux Commands, and using Git for Version Control System
- Introduction to JavaScript, Variables, Constants, Arrays, Conditional Statements, Loops, Functions,
Classes, Objects, DOM, Manipulations, Working with API's
- We turn the same app into react by breaking them into react components, handling forms and
events, using external API's for application data
- Performing Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) with React
- Introduction to Express.js, Creating Node Server Using Express.
- Request & Response, Basic Routing, GET Method, POST Method, File Upload
- Creation of API's, Performing CRUD, Authentication, Authorization