Phone: +234 815 75 50744 Email: Hours: Mon-Fri: 9am – 5pm
Address: Online Training

Frontend Development

We will learn how to build the interface of a frontend application using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Git, JavaScript, React

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Wkdys: (Mon, Wed, Fri)

Technologies to learn HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, GIT, JavaScript, React

What Will I Learn?

  • We will learn how to build the frontend of an ecommerce application, we start by using HTML to create the content and user interface of this application.
  • We style the ecommerce application using CSS, We take a look at principles of design, by asking our selfs what and what makes website beautiful
  • We add some Google/Custom fonts, background images etc We use CSS flex box for the layout
  • We look at the principles behind mobile responsive web app and we use css media query to create it
  • We learn about Bootstrap 5 frameworks and use it to style common components like menu, forms, tables and quickly make it mobile responsive
  • We Learn Javascript, by looking at basic programing concept such variables, loops conditionals etc
  • We learn about Functions, Classes, Objects, JSON, Dom Manipulation and applying this to our ecommerce website
  • We turn the same app into react by breaking them into react components, handling forms and events, using external API's for application data
  • Adding different routes to our React router, dynamically rendering different page with state
  • Performing Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) with React and many more click on the link here to view more of our course content.

Training Session

Time 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Date Aug. 1, 2024 - Oct. 1, 2024
Days Mon, Wed, Fri
Online Prize ₦10,000.0
Physical Prize ₦120,000.0


Online Training


HTML which stands for Hypertext markup language is used to create content for the web such as images, paragraphs, tables, forms etc. In this training we will use HTML to create the interface of our Ecommerce app and style it later when we get to CSS, as the training is going on we will be hosting our HTML work on a live server so we can get use to the server environment as the training progresses

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet, we will use css to style our html documents for our ecommerce app and make it look beautiful, we look at interesting topics like, selector, flex box, Web fonts, background images and CSS 3 Media query to make our site mobile responsive.

Bootstrap is a framework used to fast track the development of our frontend webapp. We will use Bootstrap to create common styles and web component used in frontend Web Development and finally use it to make our frontend app mobile friendly.

Git is a version control system used to track changes made on our code base Git enables team members in a Software Project to work simultanoeusly irrespective of their geographical location, in this training we will use git to track changes made in our Ecommerce app and finally host our app on Github.

We will use Javascript to introduce the concept of programming, we will learn some topics like variables, conditionals, loops, classes, objects, Document Object Model (DOM), functions, json and many more, We will be using javascript to add interactivity and user experience in our frontend app, we will spend alot of time here as this will form a base to prepare our students for the javascript library (React) we will be learning in the future.

React is the most popular and high in demand JavaScript frameworks out there, we will use react to create interactive UI, in this lecture we will convert our ecommerce app into react components, we will look at several topics like creating nesting components, dynamic UI with states and props, crud operations with props and state, using external API as a data source for our React Component and many more.

Training Requirement

  • No programing experience is required in this training, as this training can be taken by someone with no coding experience
  • We expect participant to have basic computer knowledge
  • Students are expected to come for the training with a laptop that has Wireless LAN, minimum 2Gb RAM, minimum free space on hard disk should be 50Gb minimum Dual Core CPU and USB port.
  • All students are expected to have PDF reader and Microsoft office installed in their system. Any other software needed will be provided by us.

Our Teachers

Benedict Uwazie
Bola Sulaimon
Software Developer/Teacher
Ade Muyiwa
Data Scientist/Teacher
Busayo Ogungbure
Software Developer/Teacher

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